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The tests conducted on the RC Baja vehicle will primarily based on its performance during driving for the ASME Baja competition. Some however, will be based on static events created by the designers. The ASME Baja competition will consist of the slalom, sprint, and the baja off road course. The testing will be conducted mostly with tools and the environment available at Hogue Hall. The tools required will be a ruler or tape measure, a cell phone with a speedometer app, and a scale. All tests involving speed will use the same cell phone, and testing will be conducted outside on textured concrete.

Test 1 Acceleration
Car with phone gps.jpg

This picture shows the acceleration test. To measure the top speed of the car a cell phone was attached to the car. The requirement for this test was to reach 20 MPH within 10 seconds. The car reached 23 MPH after 6 seconds meeting this requirement. An estimated value was determined using the maximum power from the motor and physics equations.

Test 2 Top Speed

This test measured the top speed of the vehicle. Two pieces of tape were placed on the ground at a known distance apart then the car accelerated and drove over the pieces of tape as fast as it could. A helper timed the distance to cross from one piece of tape to another which allowed the average velocity to be calculated. The requirement for this test was 25 MPH which it met. The calculated max speed of 68 MPH was not met.

Test 3 Chassis Deflection
Test 3 Pic 1.png

This test measured the chassis deflection of the vehicle with all components installed. A large socket was used to support the car to remove the wheels as a support.The requirement for this test was less than 0.25" at any point when centrally supported which it met. The maximum chassis deflection was 0.05 in.

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