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The analyses in this project are completed with the goal of meeting the requirements stated in the project proposal. Engineering analyses are useful because they provide exact values to solve problems instead of guessing. The analyses below will make use of various materials taught in the previous classes taken at CWU such as mechanics of materials and physics.

Analysis 01.jpg

This analysis is using physics to determine the amount of power required to meet the acceleration requirement. The amount of power required was 32 W to accelerate to 20 MPH in 10 seconds.

Analysis 02.jpg

In this analysis the minimum chassis thickness was calculated assuming a maximum deflection of 1mm. The calculated thickness was 2.2mm. This calculation was done using the beam bending equations.

Analysis 03.jpg
Analysis 04.jpg

This analysis determined the final drive ratio necessary to produce enough torque to move the vehicle. The final drive ratio required to meet the torque requirements is 10.7 to 1.

This analysis determined the gear ratio necessary for the transmission. This problem required knowing the final drive ratio of the whole system, and the gear ratio of the rear differential.

Analysis 05.jpg

This analysis determined the size of material needed to limit deflection of the skid bar to 0.001 mm. The thickness was found to be 0.25" if made from steel.

Analysis 06.jpg

This analysis determined the diameter of the axle shaft required to sustain the torque needed to move the vehicle.

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Analysis 07.1.jpg

This analysis determined the minimum outside diameter of the axle tube to support the weight of the vehicle. The problem was solved using shear yield equations from mechanics of materials.

Analysis 08.jpg

This analysis determined the outside diameter of the axle tube based on deflection. The amount of deflection was limited because excessive deflection will cause damage.

Analysis 09.jpg

This analysis determined the minimum tire diameter required to meet the speed requirement of 25 MPH.

Analysis 10.jpg

This analysis determined the length of the driveshaft necessary to attach to the transmission and the differential.

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This analysis determined the screw size necessary to resist the torque placed upon the driveshaft.

Analysis 12.jpg

This analysis determined the minimum driveshaft area to not experience shear failure during driving.

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