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This project has three phases, design, build, and test.


The design must be completed by the end of fall quarter on December 5. To complete the design 12 analyses must be completed to inform part design. This requirement caused most conflicts with the design processes. Conflicts can arise if the previous tasks are not completed because each part must build off other parts. Following the schedule is crucial because any tasks that extend into winter quarter will cause the vehicle to not be completed in time.


Construction and assembly of the car must be completed by the end of winter quarter. Some design revisions are to be expected in the beginning, but they should be kept to a minimum. If the design is good part creation is not expected to take long as most parts will be 3d printed.


The testing phase will be completed during spring quarter. One conflict expected to occur is the creation of testing methods. Although the requirements are given the testing methodology is not, creating uncertainty.

Table S-1 Gantt Schedule

Gantt Chart for Website 4-21.png


There are two main expenses that must be covered, parts and labor. Parts consists of material and purchased parts. Labor is made up of manufacturing labor and outsourced manufacturing. Manufacturing labor will not have effect on the outcome of the project because the project members are both contributing their time without charge. Contingency funds are to be used for any expenses that are not anticipated or in the event of a budget overage in a preexisting category.

Table B-1 Overall Budget

Budget for web 3-5.png
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